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31st United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting

at the

DeVere Grand Connaught Rooms, London

"Please note, none of the companies sponsoring this meeting has had any involvement regarding the educational content, nor has there been involvement or any support provided for the content, logistics, selection of venue, or other meeting arrangements."

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Annual General Meeting of 
United Kingdom Continence Society 

Tuesday 17th March at 07.30 in the Balmoral Suite. Members only.

Light Breakfast from 07.00

Tuesday 18th March 2025    (Monday 17th March)

Detailed Programme

08.30 - 08.35 Welcome and introduction to the day. Ms Tamsin Greenwell, FRA Urology Consultant, and Mr Jeremy Ockrim, Consultant FRA Urologists, UCLH

08.35. Plenary Session 4: Conservative Management of OAB

(The Grand Ballroom)

Chairs: Ms Mary Vincencio, CNP FRA Urology, UCLH and Mr Dudley Robinson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, King's College Hospital.

08.35 Introduction: Ms Mary Vincencio, CNP FRA Urology, UCLH  

08.40 Bladder Training and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Ms Lily Chiffey, Physiotherapist, UCLH Mesh Complications Service

08.50 The Science of Obesity - Lifestyle and Medical Management 

Mr Andrew Jenkinson, Consultant Bariatric Surgeon, UCLH

09.10 Medications:   ACH including ACB, B agonists, HRT including Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause and including Testosterone.

Mr Dudley Robinson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, King's College Hospital

09.20  TTNS: where does it work and where it wouldn't be?

Dr Prasad Malladi, Consultant Clinical Scientist & Physiologist in Pelvic Neurophysiology and Dr Chase Ng, Urology SpR, UCLH

09.30   PTNS Service at NMUH 

Ms Yu Bai, Clinical Nurse Specialist, North Middlesex Hospital/Royal Free

09.40  Conclusions: Mr Dudley Robinson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Kings College Hospital

09.45 All You Need to Know About Nurse/AHP Delivered and Led Intravesical Onabotulinum Toxin A.

(Room: Cumbria Suite (3rd Floor: Access via the Central and West Lifts)  Programme

09.45. Plenary Session 5: The Future of Neuromodulation

Chairs: Professor Stefan De Wachter, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Erdegem Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium and Ms Julie Jenks, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Lead Nurse in Benign Urology, UCLH

09.45 Introduction: Ms Julie Jenks, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Lead Nurse in Benign Urology, UCLH

09.50  SNM

Ms Mahreen Pakzad, Consultant FNUU and Neuro-Urologist, UCLH/NHNN. 

10.00  Implantable TNS

Mr Alex Digesu, Consultant, Uro-Gynaecologist, St Mary’s Hospital, London

10.10  Pudendal NS

Professor Stefan De Wachter, Consultant, FNUU Urologist, Erdegem Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium. 

10.30  Conclusions: Professor Stefan De Wachter, Consultant, FNUU Urologist Erdegem Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium

10.35 Coffee Break, Exhibition and Posters

11.05. Plenary Session 6: POP Management - The Link Between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care

(The Grand Ballroom)

Chairs: Ms Kate Welford, ANP Urogynaecology, UCLH and Mr Vibhash Mishra, Consultant Urologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. 

11.05  Introduction: Ms Kate Welford, ANP Urogynaecology, UCLH. 

11.10  Initial Assessment of the Woman with POP

Ms Tharani Nitkunan, FNUU Urologist, Epsom and St Helier Hospitals

11.20  Pessary Shopping with Angela Rantell

Dr Angela Rantell, Urogynaecology Nurse Consultant, GSTK

11.30  PFMT for POP – which patient and which exercise?

Ms Sophie Ellse, Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, UCLH 

11.40  Secondary Care: Who should be referred and when?

Ms Kiren Gill, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Whittington Hospital

11.50  What do we Offer in Tertiary Care and Why ?

Mr Anthony Kupelian, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist UCLH

12.00  Conclusions: Mr Vibhash Mishra, Consultant Urologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

All You Need to Know About Nurse/AHP Delivered and Led Intravesical Onabotulinum Toxin A.

Tuesday 18th March 2025 in the Cumbria Suite (3rd Floor: Access via the Central and West Lifts) 

Course Convenor: Dr Angie Rantell, Nurse Consultant Urogynaecology Kings College Hospital, London 

Three 'BiteSize Sessions throughout the day. Full programme here. Book a free place at Registration in the Foyer

12.05 - 13.15 Lunch, Exhibition and Posters

13.15 - 14.05 Parallel 4: Aids and Appliances for Urinary Incontinence: (AHP and Nurses)

(The Grand Ballroom)

Chairs: Ms Claire Riley, Neuro-urology CNS, RNOH and Professor Paul Abrams, Consultant Urological Surgeon, BUI

13.15  Introduction: Ms Claire Riley, Neuro-Urology CNS, RNOH. 

13. 20 Products Off the Internet – what are they and how useful are they?

Ms Daphne Colpman, Continence CMS, UCLH and Ms Kate Welford Urogynaecology CNS, UCLH

13.40  Are Sustainable Continence Products a Practical Option? 

Ms Margaret Macaulay, Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton

13.50  A Brief Introduction to the Continence Product Advisor - a resource for everyone

Ms Margaret Macaulay, Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton

14.00 Conclusions: Professor Paul Abrams, Consultant Urological Surgeon, BUI

14.05 - 15.05 All You Need to Know About Nurse/AHP Delivered and Led Intravesical Onabotulinum Toxin A.

(Room: Cumbria Suite (3rd Floor: Access via the Central and West Lifts) Programme

14.05 - 14.50 Parallel 5: What's New in Faecal Incontinence?

(The Grand Ballroom)

Chairs: Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez, Functional Gastroenterology Consultant UCLH and  Mr Dave Chatoor, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, UCLH

14.05  Introduction: Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez, Functional Gastroenterology Consultant, UCLH. 

14.10  Conservative Management.

Ms Betty Diangkinay, CNS Gastroenterology, UCLH (TBC)

14.22  Medical Management 

Professor Anton Emmanuel, Consultant NeuroGastroenterologist, Director of Neuro-Gastroeenterology Service, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (Queen Square) and UCLH

14.34  Surgical Management

Mr Dave Chatoor,  Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, UCLH

14. 46 Conclusions: Mr Dave Chatoor, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, UCLH

12.05 - 13.15 Lunch, Exhibition and Posters

13.15 - 14.05 Parallel 6: The Science of Physiological Measurements

(Balmoral Suite)

Chairs: Mr Eskinder Solomon, Consultant Clinical Scientist, GSTH Trust and  Ms Kristina Aleksejeva, Principal Clinical Scientist, UCLH

13.15  Introduction: Mr Eskinder Solomon, Consultant Clinical Scientist, GSTH Trust. 

13.20  IQUIPS Accreditation.

Mr Phil Toozs-Hobson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s Hospital

13.30  Non-Invasive Urodynamics.

Mr Andrew Gammie, Principle Clinical Scientist, Bristol Urological Institute.

13.40  Challenges of Real-Life Bladder Diary Interpretation.

Mr Liam Johnston, Principal Clinical Scientist, UCLH

13.50 The New UKCS Urodynamics Certification.

Mr Andrew Gammie Principal Clinical Scientist, Bristol Urological Institute

 14.00 Conclusions: Ms Kristina Aleksejeva, Principal Clinical Scientist, UCLH

14.05 - 14.45 Parallel 7: Functional Neuro-Urological Disorders

(Balmoral Suite)

Chairs:  Ms Philomena DaSilva, Consultant Psychologist, UCLH and Ms Claire Taylor,  Consultant FNUU Urologist, GSTK Hospitals. 

14.05  Introduction: Ms Philomena DaSilva, Consultant Psychologist, UCLH

14.10 What is Functional Neurological Disorder.

Professor Jalesh Panicker,  Professor of Uro-Neurology,  NHNN

14.20 The psychological management of patients with FND.

Ms Caroline Selai, Principal Psychologist, NHNN. (TBC)

14.30 Physiotherapy for Voiding Dysfunction

Ms Natalia Vasquez  Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist,  NHNN

14.40 Conclusions: Ms Claire Taylor,  Consultant FNUU Urologist, GSTK Hospitals. 

14.45 - 15.10 Parallel 8: Best Video-Abstracts:

(Balmoral Suite)

Chairs: Ms Helena Gresty, FNUU Urologist UCLH and Ms Raj Khasriya, Consultant Gynaecologist, Whittington Hospital

14.45 Introduction:  Ms Helena Gresty, FNUU Urologist UCLH. 


B. Toia, Whittington Hospital, London


G. Smart, NHS GGC, Glasgow


G. Smart, NHS GGC, Glasgow


I. Loufopoulos, UCLH, London

15.07 Conclusion: Ms Raj Khasriya, Consultant Gynaecologist, Whittington Hospital

15.05 - 16.05 All You Need to Know About Nurse/AHP Delivered and Led Intravesical Onabotulinum Toxin A.  (Room: Cumbria Suite (3rd Floor: Access via the Central and West Lifts)

14.50 -15.30 Tea Break, Exhibition and Posters 15.30  Finale: Plenary 7: 

(The Grand Ballroom)

Chairs: Tamsin Greenwell and Jeremy Ockrim, FNUU Urology, UCLH

15.30 UKCS Annual Meeting 2026

Ms Carmel Ramage, Organising Committee Chair

15.40 UKCS Certification Why and How:

Mr Andrew Gammie, Principal Clinical Scientist, Bristol Urological Institute

16.00 “Setting up the ICS-UK (now UKCS) and popularising Urodynamics”

Professor Paul Abrams, Consultant Urological Surgeon, BUI

16.15 Conclusions and End of Meeting:

Tamsin Greenwell and Jeremy Ockrim, FNUU Urology, UCLH

Close: 16.20

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