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to the 31st United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting

at the

Connaught Rooms, London



Programme Highlights

Venue and Visit London

Company Investment Zone

Call for Abstracts - open 1st November 2024

Registration Opens 1st November 2024

News Updates:

Monday 17th March 2025

Provisional Programme

0830-0835 Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting: Ms Tamsin Greenwell, FRA Urology Consultant, UCLH and Mr Jeremy Ockrim, FRA Urology Consultant, UCLH

0835. Plenary Session 1: Surgical Approaches:  It’s What You Do Not the Way You That You Do It! (Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women)

Chairs: Mr Arvind Vashisht, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, UCLH and Mr Roland Morley, FNUU Urology Consultant, Imperial NHS Trust.

Open Surgery. 

Mr Richard Nobrega, FRA Urology Consultant, UCLH.

 Laparoscopic Surgery.

Mr Anthony Kupelian,  Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, UCLH.

  Robotic Surgery. 

Mr Jai Seth, Consultant FNUU Urologist, St George’s Hospital.

 Conclusions: Mr Roland Morley, FNUU Urology Consultant, Imperial NHS Trust.

09.30 Plenary Session 2: Complex Pelvic Floor Case Management

Chairs: Mr Vik Khullar, Uro-Gynaecology Consultant, Imperial NHS Trust and Mr Arun Sahia, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Guy’s Hospital.

Introduction: Mr Vik Khullar Uro-Gynaecology Consultant Imperial NHS Trust.

Case Presentation 1

History and Imaging: 

Mr Anthony Noah, Consultant FRA Urologist, UCLH.

MDT Discussion of Management Options: Speaker Panel

Actual Management and Literature Review: Mr Anthony Noah, Consultant FRA Urologist, UCLH.

Case Presentation 2

History and Imaging: 

Ms Karen Ward ,Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, St Mary’s Hospital Manchester.

MDT Discussion of Management Options: Speaker Panel

Actual Management and Literature: 

Ms Karen Ward, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, St Mary’s Hospital Manchester

10.05 Case Presentation 3

History and Imaging: 

Ms Kiki Mistry, Consultant FNUU Urological Surgeon, Frimley Park Hospital.

MDT Discussion of Management Options: Speaker Panel

Actual Management and Literature Review:

Ms Kiki Mistry, Consultant FNUU Urological Surgeon, Frimley Park Hospital.

Conclusions: Mr Arun Sahai, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Guy’s Hospital.

10.25 Commercial Break 

10.33 Coffee Break

11.05-12.00 Plenary Session 3: Is the NHS Sexist?

Chairs: Mrs Suzie Venn, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Chichester and Mr Phillip Toozs-Hobson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women;s Hospital.

Introduction:  Mrs Suzie Venn, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Chichester.

Policies for Women’s Health (including prevention) 

Mr Anthony Prudhoe, Commissioner for Specialist Women’s Service NHS England OR

The Honorable Ms Bridget Phillipson MP Minister for Women’s Health OR

The Honorable Gillian Memon MP Minister for Mental and Women’s Health Strategy OR

The Honorable Wes Streeting Health Secretary

Research Funding for Women’s Health.  

Professor Anna David, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UCLH.

Advocacy for Women’s Health.

Dr Rhajvinder Khasriya, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Whittington Hospital.


Mr Phillip Toozs-Hobson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s Hospital

12.00 Commercial Break

12.15- 13.15 Lunch

13.15 Parallel Session 1: As-Live Surgery (with Surgeon Talk Through/Answering Questions)

Chairs: Ms Katie Eyre, Consultant FNUU Urologist, High Wycombe Hospital, Mr Con Kelleher, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, GSTK Hospitals.

Introduction: Ms Katie Eyre, Consultant FNUU Urologist, High Wycombe Hospital.

Video 1: Ms Rachel Barratt, Consultant FRA Urological Surgeon, UCLH.

Video 2: New Consultant, Kings Hospital Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, GSTK Hospital, London.

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

 Video 3: Mr Sachin Malde, Consultant FNUU Urologist, GSTK Hospitals.

 Video 4: Ms Charlotte Chaliha, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Barts and the London NHS Trust.

Conclusions: Mr Con Kelleher, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, GSTK Hospitals.

17.05 Commercial Break 

13.15-17.10 Parallel Session 2 Abstracts

Chairs: Ms Angela Rantell, Uro-Gyanecology ANP, GSTK Hospitals and Ms Angela Bernie Consultant FNUU Urologist, St Richards Hospital Chichester.

Introduction: Ms Angela Rantell, Uro-Gyanecology ANP, GSTK.

Oral Podium Presentations

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-1530 Tea Break

Oral Poster Presentations

Conclusions Ms Angela Bernie, Consultant FNUU Urologist, St Richards Hospital, Chichester.

17.05 Commercial Break 

13.15-17.10 Parallel Session 3 Abstracts

Chairs: Ms Grace Chigodora, CNP FRA Urology UCLH and Ms Rohna Kearney Gynaecology Uro-Consultant, St Mary’s Hospital.

Introduction; Ms Grace Chigodora ,CNP FRA Urology, UCLH.

Oral Podium Presentations

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

Oral Poster Presentations

Conclusions: Ms Rohna Kearney, Uro-Gynaecology Consultant, St Mary’s Hospital.

17.05 Commercial Break and Close.

18.30 for 19.00 until 23.00 - Irish Themed Dinner with Ceilidh

Please pre-book your tickets (Guests Welcome)

Tuesday 18th March 2025

Provisional Programme

08.30 - 08.35 Welcome and introduction to the day. Ms Tamsin Greenwell and Mr Jeremy Ockrim – Consultant FRA Urologists UCLH

08.35. Plenary Session 4: Conservative Management of OAB

Chairs: Ms Mary Vincencio CNP FRA Urology UCLH and Mr Dudley Robinson Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist UCLH

Introduction: Ms Mary Vincencio CNP FRA Urology UCLH 

08.40 Bladder Training and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Ms Lily Chiffey Physiotherapist UCLH Mesh Complications Service

Lifestyle Advice – including obesity management 

Dr Andrea Pucci Obesity Centre UCLH/ Ms Claire Nichols Continence CNS UCLH Mesh Complications Service


Mr Vik Khuller Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist St Mary’s Hospital

ACH including ACB, B agonists, HRT including Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause and including testosterone


Ms Collette Haslam Neurourology CNS NHNN


Ms Julie Jenks ANP FRA Urology UCLH

09.30. Plenary Session 5: The Future of Neuromodulation

Chairs: Mr Mo Belal Consultant FNUU Urological Surgeon, QE Hospital, Birmingham and Ms H Yasmin Principle FNUU Clinical Scientist UCLH

Introduction: Mr Mo Belal Consultant FNUU Urological Surgeon, QE Hospital, Birmingham


Ms Mahreen Pakzad Consultant FNUU and Neur-Urologist UCLH/NHNN

Implantable TNS

Mr Alex Digesu Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist St Mary’s Hospital, London

Pudendal NS

Professor Stefan De Wachter Consultant FNUU Urologist Erdegem Hospital Antwerp Belgium

Dual Stimulation

Professor Charles Knowles Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Barts and the London Hospital

Conclusions: Ms H Yasmin Principle FNUU Clinical Scientist UCLH

10.33 Coffee Break

11.05. Plenary Session 6: POP Management - The Link Between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care

Chairs: Ms Kate Welford CNS Urogynaecology UCLH and Mr Dan Selo-Ojeme Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Introduction: Ms Kate Welford CNS Urogynaecology UCLH

GP Practice Assessment and Management

Assessment of the Woman with POP in Primary Care

Ms Tharani Nitkunan, FNUU Urologist Epsom and St Helier Hospitals

Pessary Shopping with “name of CNS”

Ms Anne Lyons Uro-Gynaecology CNS UCLH

PFMT for POP – which patient and which exercise?

Physiotherapist TBC 

Secondary Care: Who should be referred and when?

Ms J Hockey Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist Royal Free Hospital

What do we offer in tertiary care and why?

Speaker tbc

Conclusions: Mr Dan Selo-Ojeme Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

13.15 Parallel 4: Aids and Appliances for Urinary Incontinence: (AHP and Nurses)

Chairs: Ms Claire Riley, Neuro-urology CNS, RNOH and Ms Jean McDonald,Consultant Urological Surgeon, North Middlesex Hospital.

Introduction: Ms Claire Riley, Neuro-Urology CNS, RNOH.

Products off the internet – what are they and how useful are they?

Ms Daphne Colpman, Continence CMS, UCLH and Ms Kate Welford Urogynaecology CNS,UCLH


Professor Mandy Fader Professor of Incontinence Technology University of Southampton.

The Future Speaker

Professor Alan Cottenden, Emeritus Professor of Incontinence Technology, UCL

Conclusions: Ms Jean McDonald, Consultant Urological Surgeon North Middlesex Hospital.

Chairs Tamsin Greenwell and Jeremy Ockrim, UCLH FNUU Urology.

1455-1530 Tea Break

14.05 Parallel 5: What's New in Faecal Incontinence?

Chairs: Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez, Functional Gastroenterology Consultant UCLH and Dr Kim Gorrenson, Functional Colorectal Surgeon Oxford NHS Trust.

Introduction: Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez, Functional Gastroenterology Consultant UCLH.

Conservative Management.

Ms Julie Storey, CNS Gastroenterology, UCLH

Medical Management 

Professor Anton Emmanuel, Professor of Functional Gastroenterology UCLH

Surgical Management

Mr James Crosbie, Consultant Functional Colorectal Surgeon, UCLH

Conclusions: Dr Kim Gorrenson, Functional Colorectal Surgeon, Oxford NHS Trust

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

13.15 Parallel 6: The Science of Physiological Measurements

Chairs: Mr Eskinder Solomon, Consultant Clinical Scientist, GSTH Trust and  Ms Laura Thomas, Lead Clinical Scientist, Bristol Urological Institute

Introduction: Mr Eskinder Solomon, Consultant Clinical Scientist, GSTH Trust

 IQUIPS Accreditation.

Mr Phil Toozs-Hobson, Consultant Uro-Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s Hospital

Non-Invasive Urodynamics.

Mr Michael Drinnen, Principle Clinical Scientist, Newcastle NHS Trust

Challenges of Real-Life Bladder Diary Interpretation.

Professor Marcus Drake, Consultant FNUU Urologist, Imperial NHS Trust

The New UKCS Urodynamics Certification.

Mr Andrew Gammie Principal Clinical Scientist Bristol Urological Institute

Conclusions: Ms Laura Thomas, Lead Clinical Scientist, Bristol Urological Institute

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

14.05 Parallel 7: Functional Neuro-Urological Disorders

Chairs: Ms Jaqueline Doyle, Consultant Psychologist, UCLH and Ms Claire Taylor, Consultant FNUU Urologist, GSTK Hospitals.

Introduction:  Ms Jaqueline Doyle, Consultant Psychologist UCLH

What is Functional Neurological Disorder.

Professor Jalesh Panicker  Professor of Uro-Neurology  NHNN

The psychological management of patients with FND.

Ms Caroline Selai, Principal Psychologist  NHNN

Physiotherapy for Voiding Dysfunction

Ms Natalia Vasquez  Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist  NHNN

Conclusions: Ms Claire Taylor  Consultant FNUU Urologist  GSTK Hospitals.

Parallel 8: Best Video-Abstracts:

Chairs: Ms Helena Gresty, FNUU Urologist UCLH and Mr Wai Yoong Consultant Gynaecologist, North Middlesex Hospitals

 Introduction:  Ms Helena Gresty,FNUU Urologist UCLH

 Video 1

 Video 2

Conclusion: Mr Wai Yoong, Consultant Gynaecologist, North Middlesex Hospitals

15.30  Finale: Plenary 7: 

Chairs: Tamsin Greenwell and Jeremy Ockrim UCLH FNUU Urology

UKCS Annual Meeting 2026

Guest Speaker 1: TBC

Guest Speaker 2: TBC

Guest Speaker 3: TBC

16.30 Conclusions and End of Meeting : Tamsin Greenwell and Jeremy Ockrim UCLH FNUU Urology

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