United Kingdom Continence Society

United Kingdom Continence Society

UKCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2025:


Thank you to the delegates and companies who participated in this years ASM.

Programme and Abstract Details here

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UKCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2026

22 - 24 April 2026

at The Midland Hotel, Bradford

UKCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2025 Outline Programme published - here

NMAHP Forum 

a new initiative has been launched for Allied Health Professionals for Members. The Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals Forum

Booking link for NMAHP Webinars

Menopause & The Pelvic Floor  with Claire Bellone, Menopause Nurse Consultant, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Trust.

UKCS Academy Webinars Series 2023/24: 

Best practice in the use of vaginal pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse. 

Info here

Now available to Stream

UKCS Urodynamics Webinar.    Info here

Now available to Stream

Supported by an educational grant from Laborie   

Female Stress Urinary Incontinence:

Urethral Bulking Agents: Info here

Now available to Stream 

Neuromodulation: advances in technology and clinical practice in a post Covid world. Info here

Now available to Stream

Welcome to the UKCS

The United Kingdom Continence Society is a multidisciplinary group of medical and allied health practitioners clinicians from all areas connected with urinary and faecal continence. The Society exists to improve standards, promote training and encourage research and exchange of information in continence care.

Originally founded in 1994 as ICS-UK, a UK branch of the International Continence Society, the first meeting was held in Bristol, under the chairmanship of Professor Paul Abrams. The Society has since grown to over 400 members. These include specialist nurse practitioners, physiotherapists, care of the elderly physicians, clinical physicists, GP’s, urology and urogynaecology consultants and their trainees. The Society continues to host an annual research meeting every spring which is open to members and non-members. This provides a platform for participants to present their work in continence research and developing treatments in a friendly and constructive environment.

UKCS is keen to promote knowledge and understanding of incontinence to a wider public, including patients and those responsible for the formulation of healthcare policy. We are active in the field of raising standards in continence care. The Society offers Certification in Urodynamics and in support of this host courses on Urodynamics around the UK. We aim to support our members with access to research grants plus bursaries for attendance at the Annual Meeting. This is financed through the proceeds of the Annual Meeting.

Please take the time to browse the website and read the Minimum Standards in Continence Care and Urodynamic practice in the UK as well as our recent newsletters and snippets from previous annual meetings.


The annual meeting is multidisciplinary and is appropriate for the presentation and discussion of “work in progress”…


NICE GUIDELINE PUBLISHED: Guidelines on pelvic floor dysfunction: prevention and non-surgical management

Access guidelines here. (9th December 2021)


The 2021 abstracts for the conference are available here.



You are invited to apply for Certification in Urodynamics.



UKCS is committed to using some of the surplus generated by the meetings to further assist its constituency in research and...


Support for the public

UKCS is a membership organisation for practicing healthcare professionals involved in caring for patients with pelvic floor problems. Unfortunately, the UKCS cannot offer advice to members of the public.

For questions about continence, services and support we recommend that members of the public contact the Bladder and Bowel Community via bladderandbowel.org or their GP surgery.

UKCS Secretariat
c/o Index Communications Meeting Services
Crown House, 28 Winchester Road, Romsey
Hampshire, SO51 8AA, UK

E: UKCS@indexcommunications.com

T: +44 (0) 1794 511332

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